I took another trip to Michael’s, I had a 20% off the entire order coupon and there where lots of little things needed/wanted (that’s a hard line to draw). I didn’t get much to show, some paint, some wire and a few hutches (they have been hard to get lately). The one little thing that I did want to show you are packages of flocking.
These were in the $ 1 bin, there are 4 colors in each package. They had them in many different colors. Each color is in a reusable little container that I may like more than the flocking itself. I may move some of the flocking into bags and see what I can use the containers for. LOL.
I have made a few trips to Michael’s lately, I have a hard time resisting the 50% off coupons. I’ve wanted a better clay extruder for a while, the one I had was so hard to use. I bought the Walnut Hollow set. $ 24.99 reg. price - $ 12.50 with coupon. I also got another paper punch, saved $ 9 with a 50% off coupon. Now I just have to find time to play with them.
Can you resist a deal? If you do, do you feel sorry that you missed it later?
I hope everyone is having a good weekend.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Welcome Followers
Thank you for being my first four followers.
Kim Go visit her in the lovely sunroom she is working on.
Drora Take a look at all her creative minis.
Rosamargarita Go see her beautiful baby blanket and enter her give-away.
Sherry Raines Doesn't seem to have a blog, yet.
I'm so glad that you have found my blog enjoyable.
Kim Go visit her in the lovely sunroom she is working on.
Drora Take a look at all her creative minis.
Rosamargarita Go see her beautiful baby blanket and enter her give-away.
Sherry Raines Doesn't seem to have a blog, yet.
I'm so glad that you have found my blog enjoyable.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Shh Jaynie
Jaynie has been complaining for some time that I have not finished her chair. Today she started following me around saying over and over that I really need to finish it now. (Sorry for the blurry picture.)

It really is too short for her and I did plan it to have legs. I finally took the legs that I wanted off a Michael’s hutch, now I can’t find the stain pen that I need before I glue them on.
Maybe I can distract Jaynie for a while.
It worked, Jaynie is distracted for now with the new cat.
I think I will try to (some day) make a new seat cushion also, I think this one is too flat.
Thanks for visiting, Mary

It really is too short for her and I did plan it to have legs. I finally took the legs that I wanted off a Michael’s hutch, now I can’t find the stain pen that I need before I glue them on.
Maybe I can distract Jaynie for a while.
It worked, Jaynie is distracted for now with the new cat.
Hopefully I’ll be able to find the stain tomorrow and finally finish it before she starts in again.
Thanks for visiting, Mary
Friday, April 22, 2011
Happy Earth Day
Have you taken a closer look at nature today? I have.
My Rhododendron
Thanks for visiting, Mary
My Rhododendron
Daffodil ‘tete-a tete’ You can't tell from this picture but these are about half the size of regular daffodils.
Here you can see the difference in size
Bleeding Heart Bush
I hope you enjoyed a little look around my yard. There is alot of clean up to be done from a rough winter but every thing is popping up and preparing to bloom.
Thanks for visiting, Mary
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Working on Stew Vegetables
I made potatoes and carrots a while ago.
I think they came out well. What do you think? I still need to make onions and celery, hopefully soon, Jaynie wants to make stew before it gets too warm.
I should introduce you to Jaynie, she says that Julie from http://doreensminiatures.blogspot.com/ is her Canadian cousin. I think I see a family resemblance. Lately she is starting to act more like Tessie from http://caseymini.blogspot.com/ . She is getting bossy and demanding. She is not getting a wand no matter how much she begs, sulks or holds her breath. I try to keep her away from the computer but she sneaks and reads over my shoulder.
Thanks for visiting, Mary
I think they came out well. What do you think? I still need to make onions and celery, hopefully soon, Jaynie wants to make stew before it gets too warm.
I should introduce you to Jaynie, she says that Julie from http://doreensminiatures.blogspot.com/ is her Canadian cousin. I think I see a family resemblance. Lately she is starting to act more like Tessie from http://caseymini.blogspot.com/ . She is getting bossy and demanding. She is not getting a wand no matter how much she begs, sulks or holds her breath. I try to keep her away from the computer but she sneaks and reads over my shoulder.
Thanks for visiting, Mary
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
What else I bought
I showed you the punches that I bought, every thing else I found on clearance. A block of Sculpey III (sweet potato) for $ .99,
a package of brads for $ 1.49, these look like jar lids to me. I need to go through my bead
supply and get out the glue.
And last but not least bottles of tiny no-hole glass beads, 2 bottles in a pack for $ .99. I got silver, gold, red, green, and some mixed colors.
I promise I will show you some things that I’ve made or am making soon.
Thanks for visiting, Mary
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Just Playing
This is what I played with last night, after coming home from Michael’s .
I hope you enjoy seeing what I bought as much as I enjoy seeing what supplies and tools you are using and buying. I’ll show the rest of what I bought later.
Thanks for visiting, Mary
New Paper Punches
I had a 40% off coupon, so I went to buy a 1” scalloped circle punch (ek success) that I’ve been wanting to make paper doilies. I found that it was already on sale at 40% off. Yay.
I could use the coupon on something else. I chose the Martha Stewart edge punch Stars.
Joann of http://joannswansondiyminiatures.blogspot.com / used this punch for forsythia branches in her Easter peddlers cart. I think it will have lots of uses
Then I also got a ek success edger punch - card suits -- it was on clearance.
Thanks for visiting, Mary
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Pay it Forward 2011
I'm joining Kathi from http://beautifulminiblessings.blogspot.com/ in a "Pay it Forward 2011" swap. I’m jumping in with both feet, the first five people who leave a comment on this post, and decide to participate, will receive a miniature gift from me. As soon as I figure out how I will start posting pictures of some of things that I’ve been making.

Here are the rules:
First, you will need to comment on this post. Then create a post on your blog explaining how the Pay it Forward 2011 swap works.
You must be willing to send a gift to the first five participants on your own blog. There is no time limit, making special gifts for special people takes time.
This is a swap about friendship and sharing, just what I joined blog world for. I’m looking forward to seeing if the five people are from blogs that I have been reading or someone new that I can get to know.
Thanks for visiting, Mary

Here are the rules:
First, you will need to comment on this post. Then create a post on your blog explaining how the Pay it Forward 2011 swap works.
You must be willing to send a gift to the first five participants on your own blog. There is no time limit, making special gifts for special people takes time.
This is a swap about friendship and sharing, just what I joined blog world for. I’m looking forward to seeing if the five people are from blogs that I have been reading or someone new that I can get to know.
Thanks for visiting, Mary
Just the begining
I’ve been hanging around for a while, reading lots of blogs, learning a lot and being very entertained. Lately “if I had a blog, I would share this” has popped into my head more and more. So I thought that it was time to share a bit of myself.
I’m not quite sure of how things work and what I am doing yet. I’ll probably ask for lots of help. I’m sure that I will make lots of changes before I settle on a look and feel.
I hope that once I get going that you will enjoy stopping by my blog as much as I have enjoyed many of yours.
I’m not quite sure of how things work and what I am doing yet. I’ll probably ask for lots of help. I’m sure that I will make lots of changes before I settle on a look and feel.
I hope that once I get going that you will enjoy stopping by my blog as much as I have enjoyed many of yours.
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