
Saturday, February 21, 2015

Snowed Under

It seems like it has been snowing here for a month.  Oh ya, that's because it has.  

I stepped out to my front steps to take a few pictures.  That's the farthest that I've been in weeks.

This is my front yard - Snow.

Snow, Snow and a path dug through the snow. 

And a picture of my car.

You say you don't see a car.

That's because it is under that huge pile of Snow.

We hired someone to help dig out my husbands car, mine will not be moving for a while.

And another picture,  of Snow

and a path through the Snow.

If you like snow, you're welcome to come take as much as you would like,

 I've had enough.

Many weather records have been broken in our area, most snow fall in a season (and we are not close to the end), most snow in a week, most snow on the ground (we beat the 'winter of 78') and then there is the cold, lowest daytime high temperature (I think it was 5 degrees), lowest low temp at -5 with a wind chill of -20, and probably a few more.  Brr.

I'm staying inside warm and dry.  

Thank you for visiting, Mary


  1. Shivering. It is times like this that I am glad I moved South!

    1. I'm glad that you are staying warm Gwen. Moving south is not for me, I'm even less comfortable with heat than I am with snow, so I'm just staying inside near the fire of the wood stove, warm and toasty.
      A Big Mini Hug

  2. Hi Mary, Thanks for reaching out. So sorry about the snow. I know it will clear up eventually! :-) Doing any minis these days? We miss you here in Blogland. xo Jennifer

    1. Hi Jennifer, Thanks for your kind comments. The sun is out today, the temperature up to a balmy 34. Spring will be here soon, then the heat of summer will arrive and I will be wishing for cooler temperatures.

      I really have not worked on any minis lately but they are still in my thoughts and interest. I have lots of ideas bouncing around in my head, so I hope that I will be able to get back to them soon.
      A Big Mini Hug

  3. WOW! That is a ton of snow! I can't believe you can't even see your car under the snow and had to hire someone to help you get it out! That is so crazy! I hope you and your family have been staying safe and warm... and spending the indoors time making lots of minis! :)

    1. Hi Lindsey,
      We had even more snow after that and hired someone to remove snow from our roof and to use a front loader to clear snow from our driveway. The snow was a bit overwhelming this year, I'm so looking forward to spring. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a kind comment. I hope you and yours are well.
      A Big Mini Hug
