
Thursday, February 23, 2012

Decisions, Decisions

So many decisions.  Jaynie and I are trying to get a few of them made. 

Decision #1 is the stairs.  The ones that came with the components kit is very nice and fits very easily against the back wall.

I was thinking, if I use these stairs that I may be able to squeeze a bathroom under them.  I don't really like the stairs all staight down, maybe if I put in a landing and a turn, but that would cut into the small living room even more.  Would that make the space in the corner useable?  I don't know, and what might work there?

I made a mock up of spiral stairs, just to get an idea of how it would fit.  It's just a skewer, wood beads and steps cut from cardboard.

What do you think?  I really should have got a picture showing a wider view of how it fits in the house (maybe later).   I kind of like this, now more decisions.  What materials to use,  I have some stone tube beads that I think would look really nice as the support column but they have a very narrow hole.  The skewer will not fit,  what can I use?  Then what to use for the steps and then it also needs a hand rail.

I hope that you will forgive my rambing but I'm hoping that it will help me sort through all the decisions.  Feel free to give me your opinions, please let me know if you think that I'm doing something wrong or missing something.

I think that I'll leave most of my rambings and pictures about Decision #2 for tomorrow.
Decision #2   color schemes, I've been looking at  alot of paint chips.   I'm leaning toward green with  accents in brown and terra cotta for the main living area.   I'm thinking citrus for the kitchen, orange with accents of yellow and green. 

Thank you for visiting, Mary


  1. Yo creo que la escalera de caracol te quedará muy bien y te dará mas espacio a la planta baja...
    Ánimo con el projecto, tiene muy buena pinta!!

    1. Hi Cote, Thank you for your comment. I'm leaning toward the spiral stairs if I can figure our how to build them.

  2. Mary I like the stairs you made better than the ones that came with the house. They take less space. You can maybe use a knitting needle or a metal wire if you want the stone beads but the wooden ones look fine to me.

    1. Hi Drora, I hope that I can figure out how to use the stone beads but it will take a bit more work, I plan to post a picture of the beads soon. Thanks for your comment, I enjoy getting your opinion.

  3. It's fun to see you making decisions! Wish I could do the same! LOL
    I don't really like the stairs that came with this kit either... Can't wait to see what you do.

    1. Hi Kathi, I've almost figured out some of the decisions that I need to make, then I see something else and I go in another direction. LOL. Thank you for your comment, it's nice to know that someone is enjoying it.
