Jane of Mini Fanaticus received the swap gifts that I sent, so here are the pictures that I promised.
I told Jane that I was working on plans for a rock display box.
Jane's daughter is interested in rocks and they are starting a collection in real life size.
So after a little planning and a few failed attempts, while Jane waited very patiently, I finally got this put together.
Jaynie helped hold it up so you can see the rocks, I stuck the rocks and labels with a tiny bit of museum wax.
I forgot to tell Jane that she can move them around if she wants.
I sent a few more little rock samples.
I also made a few items that I thought any rock collector needs, a journal to keep notes about your finds, a pen to write the notes and a book to help identify them. I added a few pages of pictures in the center.
This is where the title came from,
Do these look like summer to you?
While I waited for glue to dry I kept gathering.
While I waited for glue to dry on the display and books I kept gathering,
more plastic beads,
Some findings.
Some stones that I think would work as bread/cheese boards or maybe even a top for a small table.
A few more odds and ends,

And a couple of small real life size stones. You can see more pictures on Jane's blog , I can't wait to see what she does with these,
I'm sure it will some thing fun.
Sorry things are a bit sloppily arranged, I couldn't make them go where I wanted.
Thank you for visiting, Mary